We are a not for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting and developing Commonwealth Fashion®. We deliver programmes, reports and advocacy work to advance innovation, education and sustainability across the 56 Commonwealth’ nations.
We are a wealthy Commonwealth. GDP is at 13 trillion USD, 2.5 billion people live within todays Commonwealth and 60% of the population are below 30 years. 40% of the worlds workforce lives within todays Commonwealth.
The CFC has a proud history of collaborating with the Commonwealth Fashion Circle and partners. These are organisations, businesses and people from across the Commonwealth and global fashion scene who support the CFC’s Planet People Hope strategy and the Commonwealth Values.
"The Commonwealth makes the world safe for diversity.”
– Nelson Mandela
Commonwealth Fashion
X Tech
"The Earth is at a tipping point and we face a stark choice: either we continue as we are and irreparably damage our planet, or we remember our unique power as human beings and our continual ability to lead, innovate and problem-solve. People can achieve great things. The next ten years present us with one of our greatest tests – a decade of action to repair the Earth.”
– Prince of Wales